Friday, September 16, 2016

The Friday Report

Congratulations on making it through your first full week of school! It's always tough adjusting to getting back into the routine of school, but all of you have performed admirably. In social studies we learned about daily starters, wrote about our weekend, watched and completed written responses to three episodes of CNN Student News, completed an Artifact Analysis activity, completed the Name Art project, and began our Name Art presentations.

You learned a little bit about me through my crazy collection of Grateful Dead tapes. There was a lot of mystery within those tapes, and all of you worked collaboratively to piece together the historical puzzle of those artifacts. Your discussions were respectful and you did a great job of building on each other's ideas.  A great first attempt at thinking like a historian, well done! Also, a big shout out to our first round of Name Art presentations, it is tough to go first, and you did quite well. It helped that our audience was so respectful during the presentations. Round two of the presentations will begin Monday.

Remember that you have another homework assignment:

Your job is to bring in an artifact from your own personal history that tells a story about you, your interests, and your life experiences. We will be examining each other's artifacts on Tuesday, September 20, but you are welcome to bring your artifact to school on Monday, and I will keep it in a safe place until our investigation. Make sure that your artifact is no bigger than a shoe box.

Have a great weekend!
-Mr. H

P.S. Thanks so much for your focus and integrity during our lockdown, earthquake, and fire drills this week. It is by far the best I have seen Marshall students do with learning the procedures and following the instructions.

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