Drama for sixth graders is a quarter long class. Drama for seventh and eighth graders is a
year-long class. Students are going to participate in a collaborative
classroom, which means they will be working with other students to effectively
learn and demonstrate a variety of skills through the theater arts. This class
will focus on many different aspects of drama including theater history,
understanding text, theater terminology/vocabulary, improvisation, group
initiatives, drama games, and performance.
Students will be provided a working folder, which will stay in the
classroom. It may go home but must be at school on a daily basis.
Drama is dependent on students working
together to learn skills, to take risks, to overcome fears, and to develop
confidence in working with and performing in front of other students. Students
are expected to bring a positive and focused attitude to class every day. There
will be a lot of physical activities in this class and students are encouraged
to wear clothing that allows them to move freely.
Planner: Time will be provided in class to record
assignments and due dates. Planners can be checked at home and at school daily.
Class web page: You may access assignment information on
my web page by going to the link on Marshall’s home page or by using the
following address (I am in the process of creating a different class webpage so
the link below may change in the next week or two):
Progress information: Students and parents may check grades
online via Skyward Family Access. You may expect grades to be updated at least
once a week or contact me for more frequent updates. I will contact you if your
student’s grades fall below a C- standard. Grades for this drama class will
include written work, but will mostly focus on participation, effort, and performance.
Please note: I am most quickly reached by email.
Voice mail: 360-596-7659
6th Grade Drama
In this class, students will be introduced to the basic concepts of
theatre arts. Students will use various creative drama techniques to
build confidence and
trust, stimulate imagination, movement, and role-play.
Through theatre games and activities students will learn to lose inhibitions
and will gain trust in themselves as well as others in their groups.
Students will learn and use drama and theatre vocabulary in class discussions
and the activities will specifically address the promotion and reinforcement of
students' literacy skills. Students will exhibit and reinforce their
skills through individual and group presentations and performances.
7th Grade Drama (year long)
In this class, students will continue their study of the basic concepts
and begin to refine their presentational skills. Students will use
various creative drama techniques to build ensemble, stimulate imagination,
movement, and role-play with an emphasis on believability and sensory
awareness. Students will use observation and emotional memory to reveal
thoughts and feelings and to build believable characters and situations.
Students will learn and use drama and theatre vocabulary in class discussions
and the activities will address the promotion and reinforcement of students'
literacy skills. This class will focus on many different aspects of drama
including theater history, understanding text, theater terminology/vocabulary,
improvisation, group initiatives, drama games, and performance.
Grade Advanced Drama (year long)
In this class, students will build upon previously learned skills to
portray more compelling characters and complex scenes. Students will use
various creative drama techniques to build ensemble, stimulate imagination,
movement, and role-play with an emphasis on movement and stage presence.
Students will focus on realistic acting, commanding audience attention, and
developing a stage presence. They will understand and follow stage
directions, and use proper techniques for body and voice control.
Students will learn and discuss the basic elements of drama to better
understand and analyze characters and scripted material. Students will
learn and use drama and theatre vocabulary in class discussions and the
activities will address the promotion and reinforcement of students' literacy
skills. Students will exhibit and reinforce their skills through
individual and group presentations, performances, and script and journal
writing. A major focus of this class will be the use
contemporary texts as well as classical texts, especially Shakespeare. This
class will be a part of the Washington State Thespians, and will potentially
participate in the Jr. Thespian Festival.
Really thankful for this wonderful and informative blog about the drama i really enjoys it.
ReplyDeletedrama class wellingborough