Than you for your participation in the Artifact Analysis activity that we completed today. Hopefully you learned something about investigating artifacts, thinking like a historian and collaborating with each other to develop an understanding of the artifacts and what they say about the past and the people who used them.
Your job is to bring in an artifact from your own personal history that tells a story about you, your interests, and your life experiences. We will be examining each other's artifacts on Tuesday, September 20, but you are welcome to bring your artifact to school before that date, and I will keep it in a safe place until our investigation. Make sure that your artifact is no bigger than a shoe box.
Also, many of you turned in your Name Art today! Congratulations, you completed the project on time! For those of you who did not get the project in on time, your effort grade will drop 1 point for each day it is late. Your performance grade will not be affected unless the project is not completed within four days of the original due date.
Name Art presentations will begin tomorrow!
-Mr. H