Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014

I apologize for being an absentee poster of late - lots going on. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that final grades for the first quarter are in and I would invite you to check those out on skyward. I have also added comments to those grades, so be sure to search those out as well.

Now is the time for every student to reflect on their progress this past quarter and set some goals for next quarter. I see many opportunities for students to be more proactive in their approach to their own learning. The more you think about your learning and take pride in the work you are doing, the more you are going to get out of it. Focus, effort, and a desire to learn are so important to your achievement, and all of those qualities will help you with anything you come across is this great journey called life.

We have a lot to accomplish this year, and our success depends on everyone contributing to the learning environment. Spend time each and every night on your studies, read for large chunks of time, prepare for upcoming tests, and always know what is coming up and what you need to do to prepare for each and every day. We can move mountains this year. Let's make some magic happen!

Enjoy your weekend!

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