Sunday, November 29, 2015

Two Important Assignments

Essay on European Motives for Exploration

Compare and Contrast paragraphs - Columbus and the 'New World'

Links to the rubrics for these two assignments can be found on the right side of this page under "Assignments/Rubrics Links." Both assignments must be completed on Google docs and added to social studies folder in Google drive.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Student-led Conferences

A letter went home recently about the upcoming student-led conferences here at Marshall. Your student will host their conference in my classroom (A-5). Please use the following the link if you would like to use the online sign-up for this conference: 
There are 2 slots available for each conference time. For those of you that have already returned the conference letter, I have already signed you up for one of the slots that you requested.
Mr. Haws

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tour the States - Official Music Video

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Greetings Students of Greatness!

Don't forget that you have a states and capitals test tomorrow! We have a short class period due to early release so you will only have about 20 minutes to complete the test. School will end at 11:02.

Enjoy preparing!
-Mr. H

Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015

Just a heads up that the Snapshot Autobiography project is due on Monday, October 6. You can access this assignment through the link below. Also, there will be a states and capitals test on Wednesday, October 8.

Have a great weekend!
-Mr. H

Snapshot Autobiography

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

I just wanted to post a quick reminder that your DBQ Essay on the adoption of the new Constitution should be completed (Wednesday, February 11, was the due date). If you are not finished with this assignment, make sure to complete it this weekend. I have attached a link to the essay rubric on the right hand side of this blog page under "Assignments/Rubrics."

Have a great Valentine's Day and President's Day weekend!

-Mr. H.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Hey Awesome Students,

Just a quick reminder that the DBQ packet should be completed by the beginning of class tomorrow. You will then begin to develop your ideas and create an outline for your argumentative essay that answers the document-based question: "Should the American people approve the new Constitution?" We will complete our outlines tomorrow and then learn the ins and outs of Noodle Tools on Thursday. On Friday, we will write our rough drafts!

Be great,
Mr. H.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

Hey there!

Sorry for ignoring this blog post for the month of January, it has been a busy month. Just a reminder that today is the last day of the quarter. Monday is a fresh start - make it a good one. Continue to look over the DBQ packet - "Should the American people approve the new Constitution?" You will want to read through these documents several times to really get a sense of the issues people had in 1788. You will complete these document-based questions on Tuesday and begin writing your argumentative essay on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!